Latest News from Gloucestershire Cardiology

CTCA (CT coronary Angiogram)

What is a CTCA? This is a test that allows us to see the heart arteries in more detail. It involves lying in a CT scanner, and having a special dye injected into a vein in the arm through a cannula. The dye reaches the heart and the CT machine produces X-rays that pass through the body, which the dye then reflects. This allows us to tell if there is any significant furring-up (atheroma) in the heart arteries. The computer then reconstructs the heart arteries into a 3-Dimensional picture that we analyse. How is a CTCA done? The technologist will [...]

Big Data: como funciona, exemplos, importância e desafios

Perceba que isso já elimina várias explicações que você poderia dar para a queda nas vendas. Também nota-se que a nova campanha de marketing no Google Ads que você criou teve um volume de cliques consideravelmente menor do que seus anúncios geram em média. Já os números, esses não mentem e, por isso, são cada vez mais importantes dentro do cenário empresarial. “Meu concorrente fez uma promoção com descontos muito altos” ou “Minhas ações de marketing não estão funcionando”. Ao adotar o Big Data, é fundamental priorizar a qualidade e confiabilidade das informações coletadas, seguindo os princípios de veracidade e [...]

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Хто Такий Android-розробник, Переваги Та Недоліки Професії, Необхідні Навички

У процесі роботи фахівець стикається з різними ситуаціями, які можуть негативно позначитися на його працездатності. Мова йде про критику, постійних правки з боку замовника та інших факторах. Щоб успішно справлятися з посадами обов’язками, необхідно володіти певними особистими якостями. Деякі російські фахівці працюють у віддаленому форматі із зарубіжними компаніями і отримують заробітну плату в доларах або євро. Варто зазначити, що такі корпорації висувають високі вимоги до співробітників, однак пропонують відповідну зарплату і інші привілеї. Не забувайте, що професійний розвиток – це постійний процес. Зазначимо, що працівники всіх категорій, які успішно справляються з поставленими завданнями, дуже потрібні на ринку праці. Ми коротко [...]

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What Is The Product Development Lifecycle? 5 Phases And Examples Logrocket Blog

While every story is completely different, there are a couple of greatest practices founders tackle the road to beginning a business and shipping a finished product. Once these ideas have been outlined, it’s time to begin constructing your minimal viable product (MVP) with initial prototyping. To validate a product idea, think about documenting ideas within the type of a business case. This will permit all staff members to have a transparent understanding of the initial product options and the objectives of the model new product launch. When you make your first product, you may not know precisely how a lot [...]

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How to Become QuickBooks Certified: 9 Steps with Pictures

We’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of how to become a QuickBooks ProAdvisor as well as the benefits of becoming one. Get QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Payroll, and QuickBooks Time for free—plus, a range of discounts on other software, services, and supplies. Access and take training courses directly from your QuickBooks Online Accountant firm. For many small business owners, this annual occurrence is the source of much stress, but it doesn’t have to be. When you work with a ProAdvisor, you get the advantage of their in-depth knowledge of tax laws and regulations. Once a professional has received certification, they [...]

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How is Investing Activity Calculated and Presented in the Statement of Cash Flow?

Investing activities often refers to the cash flows from investing activities, which is one of the three main sections of the statement of cash flows (or SCF or cash flow statement). Stakeholders also view this section to determine how a company uses its finances. Cash flows from operating activities may include purchase/sale of assets, investment in securities, sale of securities, income from those sources, etc. When capital expenditure increases, it generally causes a reduction in cash flow. Capital expenditure, as mentioned, is the purchases of assets by the company. Therefore, an increase in capital expenditure could mean that the company [...]

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